Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Teen Battle Chef and Spoutwood Farm CHEFS in action! Day 2...

Nobody can do everything,
but everyone can do something. 
~Author Unknown

Day 2… Breakfast Boot Camp and BLOOPERS!! & The Raspberries Were Calling!!!

I know our veteran CHEFS love Day 2.

This is when we teach the kids about food safety. The leaders choose two of our CHEFS to perform a really horrible demonstration of assembling a fruit and yogurt parfait while talking (or rather not talking) to the crowd about their dish. I’ll get to more of this later.

The whole theme of today was breakfast. We made Fruit and Yogurt Parfaits and Egg Sandwiches. The group picked fresh Raspberries from Spoutwood’s own Raspberry bushes just bursting with berries. We also used local peaches, and blueberries.

BUT... before we allowed our group to indulge in this fruity goodness our Veteran CHEFS did some fabulous bloopers to teach our kids about the importance of keeping things clean and safe. There was a sloppy mess and maybe even some hair in the mix when they were finished with their blooper. The whole point is to make the subject of cleanliness and safety fun. The kids enjoy the bloopers as it lets them complete with one another to see who can spot the most mistakes and potential issues in the kitchen.

After the bloopers each of us had a chance to create our own parfait. As we discussed health and food safety, we all got to taste the delicious fresh ingredients available. Many of the kids went back for seconds. I can’t blame them!

After this we made a very yummy egg sandwich. I unfortunately don’t have a photo of these beauties. It was my turn to demonstrate with one of our other leaders. So we will have to use our imaginations for this.

Think of a thick slice of whole grain bread complete with whole seeds visible in the crust, next layer on a perfectly scrambled egg, tomato slices, and finally a large whole basil leaf. Top all that off with another thick slice of whole grain bread, and enjoy! I mean REALLY! ENJOY! It’s so good!!

This is one of my favorite days because of this sandwich. I love whole fresh ingredients for breakfast. It just sets up the day to be GREAT!

Try your own version of this breakfast. Maybe you can add some red onion or use sundried tomatoes instead of fresh… Hmmmm, Sounds like a plan to me… tomorrow or maybe for dinner! 

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-Elegantly Haunted