Thursday, July 18, 2013

Small Businesses Donate More...

I saw this photo on the Independent We Stand Fan Page and could not agree more with the statement.

Local small businesses really do donate more! I am a living example.

My name is Brandy Boswell, and I am the Artist and Owner of Elegantly Haunted. This is my blog about my business, my involvement in the community, and my place with you in society.

I often laugh when I see big signs at chain stores claiming that they give X-amount back to the community. In my head I ask, “Well, which community? Because, I don’t see any of your big money going back into this community.”

Yes! I talk to myself a lot. It’s how I get through the day.

I see more small business owners donating far more resources than I have ever witnessed from a large chain. Small businesses like me do more than just throw money at a cause; we also donate our time, and our energy. We ever go further than that.  When we are passionate about a cause our employees join in as well.

As small local & independent business owners we are able to clearly see what causes need our attention. After all, this is our community. We see what cracks need to be filled, and where resources lack. We are not dictated by a distant board of directors whose only concern is looking good in the media. We get to decide who, what, where, when, and why. When we are passionate about a cause, that passion is something we are freely able to support. Our passions become our focus, thus making our decisions to donate more fulfilling and effective in the community.

I love our freedom to donate. As small business owners we are able to determine exactly how we will donate. Being independent means we choose if we will donate monetarily, personally, or both. Of course, any factors play into these choices. These factors are as diverse as the individual business owners themselves.

Think of all the small businesses in your community, and think of how different they all are. Even if you compare two boutiques selling similar items, they will feel and look very different in every way. It’s like comparing two multi-faceted stones. Each will have a unique sparkle, hue, and look. If you can’t think of any small businesses in your area, I think you are in the right place. It’s time for you to start shopping local and independent.

I digress, what I was trying to say is that the different personality of each business will help determine which organizations get that businesses attention. This diversity is wonderful because it spreads the available resources around creating a balance that is much needed everywhere.

I just spent 8 days over the last two weeks donating my time, energy, and money to a cause I’m passionate about. When I saw the photo above on Facebook I was instantly inspired to write something about I, a small business owner, donates.

If you have been following me lately, you know I am passionate about Teen battle Chef. I have essentially taken two weeks off from my creative business to help lead and run the Teen Battle Chef Summer program at Spoutwood Farm. Since I call the shots I was able to do what I like and give as much as possible to a deserving cause.

I have to say this; it was very hot these past two weeks. The last three days being the hottest of the year. No one worked as hard as Liz Leiwand, and the kids participating in the program. Not one Chef complained about the heat. They all took our instructions with ease and did a phenomenal job presenting for their teams. This is a quote from Liz at the end of our program this year, I think she says it all, “…what an awesome end to our Teen Battle Chef program. The kids transformed into CHEFS right before our eyes.

Salad Niçoise

 created by Teen Battle Chef participants 2013

Fruit and Yogurt Parfaits, Day 2 of the TCB Summer Program

Mussels Provecal, Day 6

It is because of the transformations we see in these kids, and the message we teach through this program, that I am passionate about donating to TCB and the CHEFS. I volunteer my time and donate financially to this cause without hesitation or regret. Above and beyond my efforts, are those of Rob and Lucy Wood, owners of Spoutwood Farm. Spoutwood is anchored in our community, giving so much support to all who participate with the farm.

Community is important to me. I value the lessons we learn together, the diversity we share, and the relationships we forge. It is only fitting that my values are reflected in my business practices. Community is essential to our strength. When we support one another, we create a community and economy that will weather any storm.

When small business is involved with the community, and vice versa, there a personal impact made.  Personal investment is what makes our community richer.

So get out there and support your community!

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-Elegantly Haunted