Thursday, July 18, 2013

Small Businesses Donate More...

I saw this photo on the Independent We Stand Fan Page and could not agree more with the statement.

Local small businesses really do donate more! I am a living example.

My name is Brandy Boswell, and I am the Artist and Owner of Elegantly Haunted. This is my blog about my business, my involvement in the community, and my place with you in society.

I often laugh when I see big signs at chain stores claiming that they give X-amount back to the community. In my head I ask, “Well, which community? Because, I don’t see any of your big money going back into this community.”

Yes! I talk to myself a lot. It’s how I get through the day.

I see more small business owners donating far more resources than I have ever witnessed from a large chain. Small businesses like me do more than just throw money at a cause; we also donate our time, and our energy. We ever go further than that.  When we are passionate about a cause our employees join in as well.

As small local & independent business owners we are able to clearly see what causes need our attention. After all, this is our community. We see what cracks need to be filled, and where resources lack. We are not dictated by a distant board of directors whose only concern is looking good in the media. We get to decide who, what, where, when, and why. When we are passionate about a cause, that passion is something we are freely able to support. Our passions become our focus, thus making our decisions to donate more fulfilling and effective in the community.

I love our freedom to donate. As small business owners we are able to determine exactly how we will donate. Being independent means we choose if we will donate monetarily, personally, or both. Of course, any factors play into these choices. These factors are as diverse as the individual business owners themselves.

Think of all the small businesses in your community, and think of how different they all are. Even if you compare two boutiques selling similar items, they will feel and look very different in every way. It’s like comparing two multi-faceted stones. Each will have a unique sparkle, hue, and look. If you can’t think of any small businesses in your area, I think you are in the right place. It’s time for you to start shopping local and independent.

I digress, what I was trying to say is that the different personality of each business will help determine which organizations get that businesses attention. This diversity is wonderful because it spreads the available resources around creating a balance that is much needed everywhere.

I just spent 8 days over the last two weeks donating my time, energy, and money to a cause I’m passionate about. When I saw the photo above on Facebook I was instantly inspired to write something about I, a small business owner, donates.

If you have been following me lately, you know I am passionate about Teen battle Chef. I have essentially taken two weeks off from my creative business to help lead and run the Teen Battle Chef Summer program at Spoutwood Farm. Since I call the shots I was able to do what I like and give as much as possible to a deserving cause.

I have to say this; it was very hot these past two weeks. The last three days being the hottest of the year. No one worked as hard as Liz Leiwand, and the kids participating in the program. Not one Chef complained about the heat. They all took our instructions with ease and did a phenomenal job presenting for their teams. This is a quote from Liz at the end of our program this year, I think she says it all, “…what an awesome end to our Teen Battle Chef program. The kids transformed into CHEFS right before our eyes.

Salad Niçoise

 created by Teen Battle Chef participants 2013

Fruit and Yogurt Parfaits, Day 2 of the TCB Summer Program

Mussels Provecal, Day 6

It is because of the transformations we see in these kids, and the message we teach through this program, that I am passionate about donating to TCB and the CHEFS. I volunteer my time and donate financially to this cause without hesitation or regret. Above and beyond my efforts, are those of Rob and Lucy Wood, owners of Spoutwood Farm. Spoutwood is anchored in our community, giving so much support to all who participate with the farm.

Community is important to me. I value the lessons we learn together, the diversity we share, and the relationships we forge. It is only fitting that my values are reflected in my business practices. Community is essential to our strength. When we support one another, we create a community and economy that will weather any storm.

When small business is involved with the community, and vice versa, there a personal impact made.  Personal investment is what makes our community richer.

So get out there and support your community!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

How to Stay Cool and Stylish When the Heat and Humidity is Rising...

How do we stay cool today???

I thought of this because at 9am the temperature was already at 86 degrees, with what feels like 100% humidity. I tried to take the dog for our usual walk at Lake Redman, but could not do it. 

Lola and I were miserable. The heat was bad enough, and then the bugs were... well... buggin'. 

I think Lola drank half a bowl of water before we got in the car to come home. 

So in light of all this heat, here are my tips for staying cool.
  1. Locate your favorite glass.
  2. Make yourself an ICE COLD beverage!! Maybe something fruity... yummmm....
  3. If you can, get into the air conditioning... DUH right? If you can't then find a nice fan or a cool place and plop yourself down. 
  4. DON'T MOVE! 

Yep I think that just about covers it. 

WOOT! I have my favorite glass and a delicious fruity Peach Iced Tea. 

As always, I love to shop local so I stopped at Brown's Orchards and Farm Market today to get some fresh fruit. Brown's has some gorgeous peaches that are beautifully ripe. 

I bought the large box of peaches so I could make this fabulous tea and have left overs. Tomorrow I will share my remaining peaches with the Teen Battle Chef group at Spoutwood Farm on our last day of this year's summer camp. 

I'm ready for the heat!!! Oh wait... I need another tea...

Stay cool out there!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Monday, July 15, 2013

Teen battle Chef, Summer Program at Spoutwood Farm, 2013

Today was another Teen Battle Chef Day! This Teen Battle Chef session was France!

To prompt our French theme the recipes we created were Salade Niçoise and Mussels Provencal. This is one of my most favorite TBC days. The salad always turns out beautifully and the mussels are delicious. These are great summer dishes to prepare.

Let’s start with the salad.  I am always excited to put this recipe together. There are so many ingredients and the presentation is gorgeous! I am partial to seeing layers of fresh whole food carefully placed on a platter, but I think just about anyone would be after seeing this dish.

Our Chefs began with the potatoes, eggs, and green beans. They hard boil the eggs, and cook the potatoes, but only blanch the beans. When we create this recipe we want the beans crisp and green, so blanching is best. While some of our Chefs did the cooking portion of the dish, the rest clean and chop the remaining ingredients. There are a variety of fresh ingredients to slice and chop like fresh lemon and basil for our dressing.

Salade Niçoise is one of those dishes where you can place in a variety of ingredients. Traditionally we use potatoes, veggies, tuna, and egg.

While the Blue team was working on their salad, the Red team worked on the Mussels Provencal. This recipe incorporates fresh mussels, pasta, fennel, and other fresh ingredients to make a very light pasta dish.

The Red Team Chefs worked hard chopping onion, fennel, and cleaning mussels. As the Red Team begins layering their flavors they also begin creating a delicious sauce in the bottom of their stock pot. This broth-like sauce is the melding of the mussels, fennel, white wine, and stock placed into the pot as the mussel cook.
If you have never had mussels, try this dish!

It was a very hot day as we cooked and cleaned. I am glad to be inside now. The Chefs did a wonderful job encouraging one another and remembering to drink their water. I look forward to tomorrow. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Teen Battle Chef and Spoutwood Farm CHEFS in action! Day 2...

Nobody can do everything,
but everyone can do something. 
~Author Unknown

Day 2… Breakfast Boot Camp and BLOOPERS!! & The Raspberries Were Calling!!!

I know our veteran CHEFS love Day 2.

This is when we teach the kids about food safety. The leaders choose two of our CHEFS to perform a really horrible demonstration of assembling a fruit and yogurt parfait while talking (or rather not talking) to the crowd about their dish. I’ll get to more of this later.

The whole theme of today was breakfast. We made Fruit and Yogurt Parfaits and Egg Sandwiches. The group picked fresh Raspberries from Spoutwood’s own Raspberry bushes just bursting with berries. We also used local peaches, and blueberries.

BUT... before we allowed our group to indulge in this fruity goodness our Veteran CHEFS did some fabulous bloopers to teach our kids about the importance of keeping things clean and safe. There was a sloppy mess and maybe even some hair in the mix when they were finished with their blooper. The whole point is to make the subject of cleanliness and safety fun. The kids enjoy the bloopers as it lets them complete with one another to see who can spot the most mistakes and potential issues in the kitchen.

After the bloopers each of us had a chance to create our own parfait. As we discussed health and food safety, we all got to taste the delicious fresh ingredients available. Many of the kids went back for seconds. I can’t blame them!

After this we made a very yummy egg sandwich. I unfortunately don’t have a photo of these beauties. It was my turn to demonstrate with one of our other leaders. So we will have to use our imaginations for this.

Think of a thick slice of whole grain bread complete with whole seeds visible in the crust, next layer on a perfectly scrambled egg, tomato slices, and finally a large whole basil leaf. Top all that off with another thick slice of whole grain bread, and enjoy! I mean REALLY! ENJOY! It’s so good!!

This is one of my favorite days because of this sandwich. I love whole fresh ingredients for breakfast. It just sets up the day to be GREAT!

Try your own version of this breakfast. Maybe you can add some red onion or use sundried tomatoes instead of fresh… Hmmmm, Sounds like a plan to me… tomorrow or maybe for dinner! 

Monday, July 8, 2013

Teen Battle Chef and Spoutwood Farm CHEFS in action!

Nobody can do everything,
but everyone can do something. 
~Author Unknown

You may know by now, (and if you don’t, read my blog!) I am a HUGE advocate for “BUY LOCAL” and keep it local. For me it’s about community! I believe community is essential.

Think about it, where would we be without many of the community run programs that enrich our lives?  We would not have parks where our kids play, we would not have hiking trails, or in some cases fire companies. Think of your own benefits a strong community brings to you… I am sure you will come up with more than a few.

Community is not only important for the benefit of recreation, safety, and personal enrichment, but it is also crucial for our economic health. Recent studies prove that during economic downturns, the communities who strongly and closely support their local businesses are the strongest over all. These communities take less of a hit when the economy is low, (i.e. lose few jobs) and bounce back faster than communities who mainly support big box stores/nationally owned/operated franchises.

Supporting locally owned and operated business = a community with economic health.

However, I think the equation goes much deeper. I feel that as a small business owner it is my responsibility to, in turn, support my local community programs and groups. Small locally owned business is about building relationships. Relationships are built when you show up to serve. As a small business owner I firmly believe that I should spend some of my time in the community helping it grow and thrive, in any way I can.  So, maybe the equation should look more like this…

Consumers support small locally owned and operated businesses + Local small business owners actively investing in their surrounding community (i.e. spending time & energy volunteering and/or financially supporting community groups and events) = A strong community over all!

I am a local small business owner. I am member of the Buy Local Coalition, and I am leader for the Spoutwood Farm TBC and CHEFS programs. I personally volunteer a lot of my time toward the benefit of our community. I see the benefits first hand! So I know this works!

The next question I know went through your head, (If you are not familiar). WHAT THE HECK IS Teen Battle Chef and CHEFS??

Here is a very good description! As brief as I can make it…

The Teen Battle Chef Program is a beginner’s education and training program where kids learn to select, prepare, and enjoy whole-fresh foods from local farms, farm markets, and Community Supported Agriculture (CSA).

(Culinary Health Educators from Spoutwood) is a continuation of the Teen Battle Chef program, where our graduates take on the role of leader and teacher. Their efforts further educate our community on the importance of eating and cooking whole, healthy, local, and fresh foods.

WHOA! What a mouthful, and trust me when I say, that was only the tip of the ice burg.

These kids are amazing! They work long hours in the heat and get around to all parts of the county and Maryland. They have taught inner city high school seniors how to chop and prepare whole foods. They demonstrate their cooking skills to the public at health fairs, the Fairie Festival, and Mother Earth Harvest Fair.  Some of our graduates even move on to join culinary careers!

I hold this program in high regard as it teaches them more than how to cook. It teaches them to speak in public, to work with a team toward a common goal, follow directions, clean up after themselves, and much more! (I know some of you moms out there have your ears perked… “What they cook and clean?! Yes! Indeed!)

Over the next two weeks, I will be volunteering my time with the Spoutwood Farm CHEFS teaching a new group of Teen Battle Chefs knife skills, cooking skills, and life skills.

I plan to share my experience with you as I help teach our future generation the importance of eating your colors, and preparing whole foods from locally grown sources.
See there it is… Keeping it local!!! I want you to see the value this program has in our community. I also want you to get to know me as a business owner and mom who wants to make a difference in our community.
Today was day 1 of our two week program. On Day One the kids get familiar with one another, the knives, Spoutwood Farm, and the flow of the program. Our emphasis today was knife skills. We take a lot of time teaching the kids the proper way to handle and use a chef knife. A sharp chef knife!

In addition, Spoutwood Farm is a Zero Waste community. The kids learn a lot about what is considered trash, compost, and recyclable. Spoutwood is also a full blown Community Supported Agricultural Farm. So many of the ingredients we use for our dishes come directly from the farm. This is a perfect demonstration of “Farm to Table”.  There is so much going on within this program sometimes I have trouble keeping up. I will try to share with you as much as I can.

Today our dish was a Caribbean Salsa. The reason we chose this recipe is because of the number of ingredients, chopping requirements, and the amount of measuring. This recipe allows the kids to each take an ingredient and everyone has a job.

Some of our kids minced, some chopped, and some sliced & diced. They all had a great time! They all worked really well with one another, and I can tell they had a good time!

Here are some photos of the kids in action throughout the day.

First we teach them about safety in the kitchen and safety with knives. 

This is Collandra, She is one of our veteran CHEFS who helps us teach the two week program.

Once we feel the kids know about knife safety we teach them how to julienne, chop, and dice. 

Next we began our Caribbean Salsa!

This was a delicious day! I look forward to doing it again tomorrow!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Make and Take Retreats, A truly valuable experience for you, your family, and friends.

I have attended many home parties and frankly I am sick of them. I mean no offense to home party consultants who love hounding their family and friends... and friends of friends… and friends of friends, friends for the purpose of scheduling a home party and earning you that new car. I have to admit a new car would be pretty sweet!

I just feel these home parties have gotten stale, like week-old bread... My most recent home party was one of those make up parties. The consultant was, how do I say this nicely….  Well, she was snooty as snooty can be. Sorry, I had no way to say that nicely. I am not sure if she was just trying to be professional, or just trying too hard.... but I felt like I was talked at the entire time I was there. I was never talk to or made to feel valuable to her.  Maybe I am being snarky, but I have a strong opinion about these things. Here is why.

I was never fully engaged by this consultant. It wasn't until I started making witty comments that I was recognized. Perhaps this was because she is a consultant. She is not truly invested in "her Business" because the business she calls her own was created buy someone else. Regardless, I should have walked away from that party feeling beautiful or valuable. Isn't that the idea? Make your potential customers feel fabulous so they want to interact with you and buy your stuff!

My expectation, as a consumer and a business woman, is that if I am coming into someone’s home to sell something, then I should also (and most importantly) be there to create a relationship based on trust and value. This is not a feeling I have received from any of the home parties I have attended. If my logic is wrong someone please tell me!


I’m baking up a whole new loaf of bread. This one you’re certain to LOVE!!!

I have decided to create a new type of event you can share with your family and friends... one you walk away from feeling a bit more fulfilled! I’m creating events that build local relationships, support our local economy, and give us something to look forward to. Think of these events as some well-deserved adult time with your family and friends. It’s time to get away from all the mundane cares of life… It’s time for a Retreat!!!

It is my honor to introduce to you, the Elegantly Haunted Make and Take Retreats™.

No, this is not another home party! Instead this is time spent learning something new, sampling local offerings, creating a small project, and spending some serious quality time with your friends and family.

Here is a quick outline of what you can expect during your retreat!

  • Make and Take! You get to be creative. Or if you are creatively challenged, you can pretend. It’s all good with me. This means instead of sitting around and having a catalog of items (you probably don’t need) shoved down your throat; we will make a paper craft together. When you schedule your retreat you can choose from list of crafts, and you can customize your theme. YEAH!! I know! Do one, for a single fun event, or do them all and have months of fun! It’s up to you!

  • Buy Local! Okay here is my dirty little secret. My real intention behind your retreat is to show you all the great local options we have near us. Local food, wine, beer, etc. I will bring one local wine (or beer) to sample, a local appetizer to share, and my local handmade items for you and your guests to peruse. Okay, I was kidding, that really isn't a dirty little secret. If you didn't catch it, I like to joke! 

  • HAVE FUN! Maybe this one should have been at the top, but… Taa Daa! Here it is! All kidding aside, this is important. I want you and your guests to have a great time. This should be time you spend enriching your existing relationships and building new ones! I don’t like awkward moments when you are surrounded by people you hardly know! Some people are great at engaging new people. I’m not when it comes to the home party atmosphere. I retreat into my drink instead. I see many others doing the same so I know I am not alone. My retreat atmosphere will help elevate any awkwardness which in turn makes things fun!

  • Community. To me this is also important. I hope it is also important to you. Without community we would not have many of the fabulous outlets we so enjoy! So part of our time together you will be learning a little about me and my involvement in the community. I want you and your guests to know who I am not just what I do. I want you all to be inspired to support your independently owned and operated businesses.

  • Try Before You Buy. I promise! I try very hard to not sell you anything. Truthfully, I can’t stand sales people. I have met far too many of the shadier sort and I avoid them when I can. I prefer to allow you as the consumer the chance to touch, hold, and become personal with my creations. Here is how it works. When your retreat begins you and your guests will be asked to browse my selection of hand painted beverage glasses. Once you find one you like you then choose a glass that glass to use during our time together. I want you and your guests to feel special and enjoy my unique items! In addition, your glass will be very distinctive so you will know which glass is yours to drink from. I save you some serious guess work!

  • Convenient Shopping! So we talked about “Try before you buy”, now let’s talk about what keeps small business folk, like myself, in business. Near the end of our time together you and your guests will have the chance to purchase my handmade items. Just about everything I bring with me can be purchased and orders will be taken for additional products. Custom orders are also welcome. Just think the holidays are creeping up on us very quickly!!! YIKES!

Well! I think that about summarizes my Make and Take Retreats™. Now it’s time to schedule your retreat. Simply visit my website and complete the contact form at the bottom of the page. 

What? Wait! You’re not familiar with Elegantly Haunted? You have no idea what you are missing!

It’s time to get curious and check out my website! Here is the link!

You will love what you see! I have something for everyone, and if you don’t see it I can make it!!!

I look forward to talking with you soon… More so, I look forward to our Make and Take Retreat together!


Brandy Boswell
Artist and Owner
Elegantly Haunted