Friday, September 20, 2013

The Elegantly Haunted Top 10 DIY Halloween Props & Decorations

If you are like me, you are a little disappointed with most of the cheap Halloween props on the market. I admit that every season I hope for a true wow factor and more and more I am sorely let down.

 I feel like the Halloween super stores are dropping the disembodied head when it comes to really amazing Halloween props and decorations. Even Grandin Road seems to be moving toward the cheaper looking and made items.

This has led me to create my own props to complete my Halloween decorating themes. If you feel the same, then this is a fabulous place to be. 

Below are my top ten picks for Halloween DIY projects. The blogs and sites I feature below have impressed me with their creativity and ingenuity. A few have even taken ideas I have used for YEARS and made them better.

If you have the time and the energy to create these wonderful props and decorations it will be well worth the effort.

Happy Halloween!!!

10. Halloween Bats Every year we makes something like these bat and stick them all over the place. I love the mobile idea and I am thinking of some great ways to incorporate this into my own spooky forest theme.

9. Spell Bottle Labels – Halloween is not complete without Witches and all their magical components. Here is a great tutorial on how to make your own spell bottles & labels using glass you might have around the home.

8. Paranormal Portraits - Of course the big magazines like Country Living give us great ideas. We should expect nothing less. Here is one idea I really like.

7. Soiled Jars – “What the heck?” Yes! That was my first though too, but when I saw these I changed my tune. They offer a very cool look without a lot of expense or effort. Check it out…

6. Cheese Cloth Spirits – I did something similar to this many years ago. It involved a balloon, cheese cloth, and lots of white glue. This seems to be a better version. Thank you Martha!!

5. Glowing Drinks – To add to the ambience of any Halloween party or costume, you need a cool drink. Here is a very good idea you can create.

4. Monster Mud Reaper – This is a project where you can create a large life size grim reaper holding a lantern. Add some seriously spooky atmosphere to your party or general décor. The tutorial has great set by step photos and instruction to help you construct your reaper.

3. DIY Gravestones – If you have seen the prices of the foam gravestone in stores you will understand why I started making my own. This method is really easy. You can get very intricate or remain basic with foam. It is all about the look you desire. I also found that I can get dozens of gravestones for less than it would cost me to buy one at the store.

2. Chicken Wire Ghosts – I am sure you have seen the ghost dresses made of chicken wire, but I think this one takes the cake! The photo alone spooked me! It is so creepy cool!!! Check it out!

1. Crashed Witch – To be honest I hated the crashed witch you normally see pasted to trees and front doors. Don’t get me wrong the concept is FABULOUS. I give 10 out of 10 for creativity, BUT the execution needed work. Dave Lowe, has taken this idea and made it phenomenal!!! You have to click this link to see.

Well there they are… my top 10 DIY props and decorations! 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Distressed Leaf Tutorial

As promised The distressed leaf tutorial is HERE!!! Hooray!  

Elegantly Haunted
I am a tutorial NUT! I love to watch how other creative people create!!! It inspires me and encourages me to make beautiful keepsakes.

I like to keep things short and simple, and there really isn't a whole lot to distressing leaves. The real challenge is deciding what to do once you have several dozen leaves distressed. Its like they are all dressed up and no where to go. 

I know all you DIY fanatics out there will create some marvelous things with this technique! Birds of a feather....
Elegantly Haunted

READY? SET? Here we go!

Materials you will need:
  • Heavy card stock in various fall colors
  • Leaf template or punch
  • Embossing Stylus, fine tip
  • Distress Ink and applicator
  • Distress Ink in your favorite shades
  • Embossing pad (I use and old mouse pad)
  • A Craft Mat

1. Select your desired colors of card stock and cut leaf shapes using your preferred method.

2. Emboss (draw) leaf ribs into each leaf using your stylus and embossing mat. Be careful not to puncture your leaf with the stylus. You will want to do several dozen leaves.

3. Remove embossing mat and stylus.

4. Lay your craft mat down on your work surface.

5. Place your embossed leaf on the Craft Mat and prime your ink applicator with your distress ink.

6. Work your way around the edge of each leaf in a circular motion inking the edges of each leaf.

8. Lightly rub the applicator on the center of the leaf, over the embossed ribs of your leaf to give them definition.

9. Repeat this process for all your leaves changing the color of your distress ink as necessary. DONE!!

Depending on what project you decide on, you might be distressing leaves for a while. Make this an afternoon project complete with your favorite music and a glass of wine!

The leaves you see in this tutorial went toward the creation of one of my fall wreaths, as well as some greeting card embellishments. 

Elegantly Haunted
An assortment of complete leaves and flowers

Elegantly Haunted
Distressed Fall Wreath with Flowers

2nd Distressed Fall Wreath with Flowers

I showed you mine now you show me yours! 

I would love to see your projects! If I get enough of you sharing your creativity, I will create an entire blog post of all your beautiful work!

Artist & Owner, Elegantly Haunted
©2013 Elegantly Haunted, All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

New Items for Fall & Halloween!!!

Oh my!

It has been a while since my last post. After some computer trouble and some amazing activity through our new website, things have gotten away from me.

I will make this post brief to save you and me both a little time.

We have mailed over 50 cards to Operation Write Home. We are on our way to meeting our goal. I have mailed in Halloween cards and some fall themed designs. Next, I will work on Christmas/winter designs as well as more fall themes. Our troops will have a fabulous variety of cards to browse and send. 

We still have a way to go to reach our goal of 500 cards, but I think it is possible. I am making new cards for you to browse each week. Watch for Vintage, Victorian, Gothic, and Steampunk designs coming very soon!

Also, I have been busy painting new glass items for the fall and Halloween season. We have pumpkins, owls, floral accented skulls and more!!! When you follow us on the usual social media.... Facebook, Pinterest, Etsy, and/or Twitter you will get first look at what is new. As usual every week there is something unique and wonderful to post. 

This will be the best season yet!! Don’t miss out on all we have to offer.


Artist & Owner, Elegantly Haunted