Saturday, June 22, 2013

My Perfect Summer Evening...

I am often heckled by my cousin. "Are you working again?!" he says. Or my favorite... "OH, You're working, I don't want to bother you." It funny because he only seems to text me or message me when I an deep in thought, or working on my next big project. Or perhaps I do spend too much time working.

My cousin and I are only a few years apart from another, him being eldest. We were raised more like brother and sister than cousins. So we have a long history of poking fun at one another. I have to admit the heckling has always been fun. Its more of a show of endearment than harassment.

It is obvious that he thinks I work too much, and he worries. But... He is missing how much I enjoy building my company and the work I do. Mos t of the time I don't feel like I am working. I'm creating fun, beautiful things! No! Correction, I'm not just creating things that are beautiful and fun, I'm creating USEFUL, beautiful, and fun things! Items I can use often and share with others. Items no one should never live without.

The best part creating my product is that I get to share what I create with others. I give them a chance experience my joy when they own one of my creations.

Here is a real example of why I love to create useful,  fun, and beautiful things.

I love to make fresh summer drinks. Mojitos are one of my favorite and I enjoy them most often. Mainly because I have a huge variety of mint plants growing in my garden every year. They'd take over if I let them. So what better solution... make delicious Mojitos?!?!


Who wants to enjoy a special drink in the same old boring glass every time? NOT ME! I want my drink to make me sparkle. I want to feel like I am having a mini party on my back deck. Soooooo, I create hand painted glass that I can use.

Check it out! This was taken this evening as my cousin heckled me about working too hard.

I was out on my deck, enjoying a Mojito made form the mint in my yard, and reading some business related materials. My son was playing with is ball and diggers, and the birds were singing. It was a delightful evening. I look at the table next me and see this bright yellow polka dot glass holding my drink. I can't help but smile! This is what I create!!!

Nope doesn't sound much like work to me. AND.... When ,I am all done the glass goes in the dishwasher for another time. Easy!

Work doesn't have to feel like work. Who said work has to be stressful and boring? Who said work has to be laborious? Sure not everyday is a "Mojito on the deck" kind of day, but I make the most of my time and try to remain in a positive mental state. I choose to find or create a little happy in every moment!

I hope you do too!

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-Elegantly Haunted